Opening new applications in a specific workspace
Is it possible to always open new applications in a specific workspace?
When you open big applications or apps displaying windows when opening (e.g., libreoffice, eclipse...), this is quite annoying to have them open in current workspace. You have to wait for them to load, unless you have specifically specified that this application has to move to some workspace. That's why I'd like new windows to always open in a dedicated workspace.
I tried doing: assign [class="*"] 9 but wildcards don't seem to be handled. Besides, even if it worked, I see a problem: even after moving an application to another workspace, its windows would keep opening in workspace 9.
Is there a way to do this?
I may have a way to accomplish what you're asking, but it involves setting and eventually deleting a mark on a window. The latter doesn't seem possible, so I'm waiting for comments on a bug report about this: