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Are there any methods to get GUI apps look more prettier?

asked Jan 13 '14

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Newbie here. Although I know i3 is targeted for experienced Linux users, which I'm not at this time (but I try as much as I can to educate myself about Linux). After seeing some vids and screenshots of i3, I become very interested in tiling window manager, particularly in i3, which I would like to give it a try.

At this moment, I have managed to get i3 working on my Ubuntu 13.10 server (without desktop environment)

I also try to do as much as possible through the command line. There are also GUI apps which I can't live without, like the web browser, and LibreOffice, etc.

However, the GUI apps are not looking quite polished. Are there any methods to get GUI apps look more prettier?

2 answers

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answered Jan 14 '14

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You can take a look at this post to learn how to set gtk themes 'the hard way' or just use lxappearance (like lasers said) to go the easy path.


Thank you for your reply. Which packages do I need to install before I can setup a GTK theme?

idontknow gravatar imageidontknow (Jan 14 '14)edit

That is a good question. Actually I do not know the proper answer. On my ArchLinux I did not have to download any specific packages, but that might as well be because I already got it. I would say you will should try installing gtk (if not already present) and see what is missing.

cee gravatar imagecee (Jan 14 '14)edit

pacman -Qi gtk Version : 1.2.10-13 Description : GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit (v1) Architecture : x86_64 URL : Licenses : LGPL Groups : None Provides : None Depends On : libxi glib sh

cee gravatar imagecee (Jan 14 '14)edit

answered Jan 13 '14

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >100 is welcome to improve it.


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Asked: Jan 13 '14

Seen: 495 times

Last updated: Jan 14 '14