screen displays the content of the old workspace after new workspace being activated
Currently I am running i3 version 4.6 in Gentoo with 3.10.25 kernel.
I found the recent update has changed the screen display after a new workspace is activated. For example, after I pressed win+3 to activate a new workspace 3 under workspace 1, the screen kept on displaying the contents in workspace 1. However, according to the indicator at the lowerleft of the screen, I have already been switched into workspace 3.
In fact, If I open a new window, say, a terminal, after pressed win+3, the screen would change from displaying the contents in workspace 1 to the newly opened terminal in workspace 3. This is a bit annoying as previously the screen will respond promptly after the new window been activated. Actually the similar thing happens when the last window of a workspace is closed.
How can I change back to the old settings which I got used to?