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How do I prevent i3 from refreshing window's contents while dragging?

asked Feb 21 '14

smiszym gravatar image

On my desktop dragging a floating window with mouse is laggy (not smooth). The window moves much slower than the cursor and I must wait for it to arrive at desired position. (probably my graphics card is very slow)

Some window managers I had used before allowed the user to disable refreshing window contents while dragging/resizing, so that only a border appeared. One could drag that border around and the screen (the window itself as well as windows behind it) was redrawn after releasing the mouse button.

Does i3 provide such a feature?

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answered Feb 21 '14

Adaephon gravatar image

updated Feb 21 '14

At the moment there is no such feature.

The floating mode in i3 is mainly intended for popups and the odd application that does not like to be resized. Therefore quite a lot features known from other (floating) window managers are not available and probably never will.

If you need to move windows quite often, consider to (re)map some keybindings:

bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up 200
bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down 200
bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left 200
bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right 200

This moves floating windows 200 pixel in the given direction. Tiled windows will ignore the number and just move windows one position in the given direction as before. As windows are directly placed at the new position, that reduces the need for redraws.

For more flexibility, have a look at xdotool

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Asked: Feb 21 '14

Seen: 341 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '14