summon gnome-do with default super-space
hi, I'd like to use gnome-do launcher on my i3 desktop. The default shortcut is super-space, and since my mod key is super, it doesn't work by default.
I added the line
bindsym $mod+super gnome-do
to my config, but I have the feeling that all it does is launching a new instance of gnome do, instead of just opening the launcher. I'd really like to keep the mod+space shortcut to be consistent with the rest of the WM. The man page of gnome-do doesn't help much, any idea what I should put on my config file to use super+space as default gnome-do behaviour?
I do not use `gnome-do`, so I wouldn't know how to get it to work properly: it seems it may need a running gnome-session. In any case, your binding should be `bindsym $mod+space exec gnome-do`, assuming `$mod` is `Mod4`, else you could always bind to `Mod4+space`.