How to set separator in i3bar?
I can't seem to figure out how to change the separator symbol from the default of '|'. Docs have a small section on it and give this example:
bar {
separator_symbol ":|:"
It says you may need to change the sep_block_width
property, but gives no example of how. (I gather that is a measure of pixels between each setting.)
Nothing I've tried has worked. If I use that 'separator_symbol' line to change to anything other than a single bar it gives me 3 tiny dots in place of separator. I'm using v4.10.1. Can someone clue me in on how this is supposed to work? Thanks
My version of i3 must be too old, because separator_symbol doesn't work here. In any case, I believe that `sep_block_width` must be related to `separator_block_width` in `` .
Thanks. I'm curious what you mean by "doesn't work"? Do you get an error with that in your config, or does it simply not change the separator? Or does it show tiny three dots like mine does?
I implemented this feature and it's quite recent (only available since v4.10). Can you please provide a screenshot of what it looks like when you use that directive?
by the way, the dots you see are an ellipsis that is used because the separator doesn't have enough space. So I'm really confident that setting `sep_block_width` to a higher value will make it work correctly.
Thanks, I have image but don't see any way to attach it directly and have no site to upload to at the moment. It is just the little ellipsis (which itself is cut off a little bit) and it happens even if I just include line 'separator_symbol "|"', although the bar shows okay if I remove that line.