Can i prevent programs from resizing windows ?f
I would like to prevent any programs from resizing windows in which they are opened. For instance, if i click fullscreen buttion in vlc media player, it indeed plays in fullscreen, but i want it to only fill its window, and let ME set the window to fullscreen using apropriate shortcut.
Same thing happens if i click fullscreen in flash player (youtube for instance)
This is especially anoying when i put some program in scratch pad, and set its dimensions using shortcut keys, only to find out later that it resized itself somehow. For instance, put vlc in scratch pad, and set the small window size and put it in the corner of your screen. Now click the fullscreen button inside vlc, as if you wanted to see something in fullscreen temporary. When you exit the fullscreen size and position of scratchpad you set are completely messed up.
So i would like to be the only one around who can change existing window dimensions ;)
Thanks in advance
I've got the same problem, for instance with Firefox that can't be "fullscreen" inside its i3 window box (to get rid of the toolbar for instance). Likewise, flash is bad at getting the full size of the screen. With multiple screen, it's often messed up.