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strange focus behaviour

asked 2012-10-12 10:02:18 +0000

i3-tiler gravatar image

updated 2012-10-12 10:05:54 +0000

hey guys,

I have following situation I don't understand. I've tried to visualize it. 
If I have 2 tabs. "tab2" is splith layout and has 2 terminals. If I close 
the window "terminal_2" (doesn't matter how: either exit, control+d, or 
kill the window) the focus jumps to "tab1". Usually if I close "terminal_2" 
I want to continue working in "terminal_1" and not first loose the focus to "tab1".

Do I missunderstand the idea behind that or 
is this behaviour at least configurable?

| tab1              | tab2              |
|                   | - - - - - - - - - |
|                   | another container |
| #>                |                   |
| #>  terminal_1    | #> terminal_2     |
|                   |                   |
|                   |                   |
|                   |                   |
|                   |                   |
|                   |                   |
|                   |                   |
|                   |                   |
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1 answer

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answered 2012-10-16 15:02:38 +0000

Michael gravatar image

When closing a window, focus should be restored to where it was last.

In case this does not happen, please file a ticket at

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I use workspace_layout tabbed as default. If I then create "another container" and split it in various terms and then close one of these terms I loose the focus to one of the tabs. It does not happen always but it feels to me a little unpredictible. Maybe everything works like it was thought to do.

i3-tiler gravatar imagei3-tiler ( 2012-10-17 16:16:48 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2012-10-12 10:02:18 +0000

Seen: 142 times

Last updated: Oct 16 '12