Can Display Brightness be displayed via i3status?
I can use Conky to display my brightness level, but I can't seem to find a way to do this with the default i3status.conf. Is this possible?
I can use Conky to display my brightness level, but I can't seem to find a way to do this with the default i3status.conf. Is this possible?
It's most likely already displayed. If you have a symbol in i3status that always has the same color, then its brightness displays the display brightness.
More seriously, one option, which I use as well, is to use conky with i3bar. See this article for instance: If there is a specific reason why you want to use i3status as well, you can write a wrapper that combines those two sources of information.
I prefer using .conf because it seems to more acurately display changes, i.e. changing volume immediately shows the change when I'm using .conf but when I am using conky, it quickly shifts to a number right before the final display. e.g. 100% - 5% displays 97% quickly then goes to 95% with conky.
Asked: 2015-08-26 00:19:10 +0000
Seen: 418 times
Last updated: Aug 26