auto-starting apps on specific outputs in multi-monitor environment
Hallo, I'm working with a multi-headed environment (four outputs) and successfully configured my primary head for workspaces 1-4, each other head for two workspaces via the i3 config file (workspace <x> output <y>). As soon as I try to auto-start an application via exec (e.g., firefox or thunderbird) and try to move it to another than the primary output, the respective workspace will end up on the primary output instead of the output configured for this workspace in i3 config. To further illustrate my problem, I will give you a short example. DFP1 is the primary device, DFP5, 9 and 10 are secondary heads. Example: workspace 1 output DFP1 . . . workspace 7 output DFP9
assign [class="(?i)thunderbird"] 7 exec thunderbird
Expected behaviour would be, that thunderbird appears on workspace 7, which is placed on output DFP9. Actual behaviour is, that thunderbird appears on workspace 7, which is now placed on output DFP1. Without the exec-statement, workspace 7 is placed on output DFP9 as configured. Same goes for the iceweasel-example from the user guide: exec --no-startup-id i3-msg "workspace 7; exec thunderbird; workspace 1" yields the same results as the abovementioned configuration - workspace 7 is placed on output DFP1 instead of DFP9.
Am I just misconfiguring something here or is it a bug I'm expecting?
Thanks for your help! Julian