i3status add external text files
First of all let me say that i3 WM is great and very useful for me. Thanks to develper(s)! :)
My question is about integration user information into i3bar.
Man page for i3status contains this:
In i3status, we don’t want to implement process management again. Therefore, there is no module to run arbitrary scripts or commands. Instead, you should use your shell
Maybe you're right and adding 'run scripts' functionality is unnecessary here, but suggested solution seems to be not handy too. I can't effectively parse JSON array with shell to modify i3status output before sending to i3bar. And all that python wrappers are incredibly slow and overheaded.
I want to have some lightweight unix-way solution here and i3status (written in C?) seems to be almost about such solution. But i need to have additional information in the bar without unnecessary overheaded script wrappers.
So, is it possible to add text files support to i3status? Let it check if we have text in text file, then we're adding it to the output. That's all.
For example, i have my own python script which shows me the weather. I want to run it from cron once in 10 (or 20, or 30) minutes (i don't need more) and let it write its output to the file.