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Move new window automatically to front in fullscreen mode

asked 2013-04-04 12:26:37 +0000

student gravatar image

When I am in fullscreen mode and start a new application via dmenu or using a keyboard shortcut it doesn't appear. To select it I have for example to switch to tilded mode, select it and then go to fullscreen mode again.

Is it possible to configure i3 such that new started applications in fullscreen mode come to front automatically? Is it possible to configure this behaviour only for some specific applications (for example gmrun)?

This is for example the case in xmonad.

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answered 2013-04-04 19:45:12 +0000

joepd gravatar image

Nope. Without some hackery with the IPC you cannot make this happen. There is no way for i3 to know with what intention (if at all) the window has been created. If you are into writing scripts, you could easily test if the current active workspace is in fullscreen mode, and disable fullscreen mode if necessary before you start your new window.

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Asked: 2013-04-04 12:26:37 +0000

Seen: 306 times

Last updated: Apr 04 '13