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2 actions, one binding

asked 2013-08-10 06:44:12 +0000

littlebobbytables gravatar image

I want to move the mouse on the lower right corner whenever I put a window in fullscreen.

To move the mouse I want to execute:

exec xdotool mousemove 5000 5000

Is there a way to do it on the same binding I have for fullscreen?

bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
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1 answer

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answered 2013-08-10 06:45:31 +0000

Michael gravatar image
bindsym $mod+f fullscreen; exec --no-startup-id xdotool mousemove 5000 5000
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that was way too easy to figure it out by myself! Thanks!

littlebobbytables gravatar imagelittlebobbytables ( 2013-08-10 06:55:29 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2013-08-10 06:44:12 +0000

Seen: 150 times

Last updated: Aug 10 '13