Move window within container?

asked 2014-02-14 14:02:32 +0000

Zirahvi gravatar image

Assume I have the following layout

[A | B | C]

And I'd like to swap B's & C's places, i.e. end up having the following layout:

[A | C | B]

If I focus on B and move it right with Shift+$mod+Right, I end up having this instead:

[ A | [ B | C ] ]

I.e. B & C swapped, with unwanted container added. How can I move window within a container without creating a new one? The actual use case was considering vertical layout, but I made it horizontal here to make it easier to draw/explain.

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Assuming `Shift+$mod+Right` is `move right` this should not happen and for me it doesn't. Are you using the latest version of i3? The following parts of your config could be helpful, too: `workspace_layout`, `default_orientation`, anything with `move [left|right|up|down]` or `layout`.

Adaephon gravatar imageAdaephon ( 2014-02-17 09:39:49 +0000 )edit

Could this be an old bug that is fixed in newer versions? After I swap C and B for the second time, I should have `[A | [B | C] ]` according to you. But if I focus window B or C at that point and focus the parent container, I see all three windows are in the same (and only) container.

victorz gravatar imagevictorz ( 2014-12-07 00:23:04 +0000 )edit