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Configuring proxy settings

asked 2014-06-09 15:43:46 +0000

okiyama gravatar image

updated 2014-06-09 16:13:14 +0000

phairland gravatar image

I use i3 on top of Linux Mint 14. When I boot into my normal Cinnamon session, I am able to access a very handy network window that lets me easily change my proxy settings. The window is the one accessed from the "Network" program when I open up the window. I tried to attach a picture, but my karma is too low.

How I could get to either that window or an equivalent one for changing which proxy server I am connecting to? If there are terminal instructions for changing my proxy settings, that would be just as good.

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answered 2014-06-09 16:11:59 +0000

phairland gravatar image

I have found Linux Mint to be problematic if your server uses proxy settings to get online. Ubuntu also require changes to the network settings if you use a proxy, but this only involves a simple change in the Network Settings panel. This doesn't work in Linux Mint, the settings can be entered but will not remain saved.

  • Use a terminal to open /etc/environment using a text editor as superuser. E.g. sudo gedit /etc/environment.
  • Add the following lines to the text document that appears, replacing with your proxy address.

  • Save the file, then navigate to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/and create a new file there named 95proxies and include the following code (remembering to add your own proxy address in place of

Acquire::http::proxy "";
Acquire::ftp::proxy "";
Acquire::https::proxy "";

Reboot and once you have logged in you will find that your proxy settings are in place for Network Settings, apt-get and Update manager. It's a pain but it does give you an idea about using the command line in a Linux terminal.

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Asked: 2014-06-09 15:43:46 +0000

Seen: 1,333 times

Last updated: Jun 09 '14