i3wm inside Virtualbox with Synergy

asked 2014-08-05 18:02:05 +0000

KJ44 gravatar image

(I'd like to share this, it isn't really a question ;)

I have an Ubuntu 12.04 install running inside Virtualbox on my ThinkPad. I have a trusty Linux desktop PC which runs a Synergy server talking to a Synergy client on my Thinkpad. I like to drive i3wm from the desktop PC keyboard with the ThinkPad display on the desktop PC monitor.

Disaster! The Win key sent by Synergy is consumed by Windows before it reaches i3wm so most of my mod4 keybindings conflict with Windows short cuts. What to do?


The xcape program lets me send a key when I press Shift alone, otherwise Shift works as normal. I modified i3wm config using modes (think ctrl-x in emacs) such that to type Win+X I hit Shift then X. As icing on the cake I disabled the left Win key with xmodmap. Thus I can forget Windows is there when I run i3wm.

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