using gnome notification-daemon in i3
I have spent several hours trying different notification daemons with pop up windows in i3 and I haven't found any as aesthetically pleasing as the standard notification-daemon. I am able to get the daemon to run (/usr/libexec/notification-daemon) but when using notify-send the popups happen all over the screen, and in many cases off the screen (I can tell because I see about 15 or so pixels of the bubble popup). Any thoughts on why the results are so sporadic and how I can get this working in i3? Or do you suggest any good notification engines?
P.s. I tried dunst and a hacky notify-osd...neither of which I liked.
Thanks in advance!
No definite solution, but I know of some people in the i3 IRC channel who are using notification-daemon without problems.
@patrickshuff It might be something specific with your configuration. I've user notification-daemon for quite some time.
notification-daemon should work just fine out of the box -- the bigger question is, why bother with it when you have to manually click a tiny icon with your mouse to display recent events? Gnome-shell seems a requirement to attach a keybinding to toggle show-hide events menu.