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conky status piped to i3bar using JSON causes text to flicker

asked Jan 24 '13

naq gravatar image

updated Jan 24 '13

Once a couple of seconds (unrelated to update_interval from conky) the status is flickering in a very annoying way. Without using JSON and directly piping plain conky into i3bar, the text doesn't seem to flicker anymore. How can I solve this?

/later edit: It seems this is also causing text pop-ups to flicker, when I hover the mouse pointer over a podcast episode in gpodder for example. Another thing I just realized, when I select a piece of text (or entire with ctrl+a) in a textchat, the flickering is causing my text to be deselected. This doesn't seem to happen continuously, only for a number of times. For example, I select the text, it deselects, then select it again, it deselects again. I select it again and after that it stays selected. Same with pop-ups. Only first time(s), after first hovered the pointer and the info was showed. This problem description might sound weird.

2 answers

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answered Jan 28 '13

dkeg gravatar image

updated Jan 29 '13

Update: Get rid of double_buffer yes. That will do it.

when I had update_interval set at 1, I also got flickering. However, when I changed to 2 the flickering was gone. What value are you using? Can you confirm with a value of 2, possibly even higher, like 3, you are still having flickering problems.

The other issue you describe, I am not sure. A bit difficult to follow. Doesn't sound related though.


I tried setting differrent update intervals all in vain. I normally use 1 sec but lately I had 0.5. I tried from 1 to 5 and even higher, it makes no difference. I also found a thread on arch forums with the name "conky text flashing" (because I can't post links), and the OP had the same problem.

naq gravatar imagenaq (Jan 29 '13)edit

Only that he says he solved it by using conky-cli from AUR. I tried that as well and still the flickering is happening.

naq gravatar imagenaq (Jan 29 '13)edit

The other issue it may indeed not be related. At first I thought it is. I can kill i3bar and still have that problem with info text pop-ups flashing and selecting text problem. That doesn't happen in browser though.

naq gravatar imagenaq (Jan 29 '13)edit

One thing I forgot to add, yesterday I was compiling rust from AUR so the CPU was working hard. I was looking at i3bar at the usage per core, and surprisingly all that time, the i3bar text didn't flash. It was updating itselff normally and that at 0.5 update interval. I don't know why that is.

naq gravatar imagenaq (Jan 29 '13)edit

Curious to see your .conkyrc file. Can you post up on pastebin or something similar

dkeg gravatar imagedkeg (Jan 29 '13)edit

answered Jul 1 '13

Quelltextfabrik gravatar image

updated Jul 1 '13

Hey there,

for me, this thread on viewtopic.php?pid=1279931#p1279931 (can't post links, sorry) held the answer.

Essentially, because of the way i3status parses JSON you need to make your JSON array one "physical" line.

So your 99+ lines of this:

{ "full_text" : "foo" },
{ "full_text" : "bar" },
{ "full_text" : "one more for good measure" }

simply becomes this:

{ "full_text" : "foo" },\
{ "full_text" : "bar" },\
{ "full_text" : "one more for good measure" }\

Hope that helps someone!

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Asked: Jan 24 '13

Seen: 1,554 times

Last updated: Sep 04 '13