What’s a good notification daemon for i3?
When using GNOME, NetworkManager and other applications had these notification thingies. How can I get that in i3?
When using GNOME, NetworkManager and other applications had these notification thingies. How can I get that in i3?
In Ubuntu, the notify-osd comes by default. If using a different distro, you may install it, or the notification-daemon libnotify-bin packages (or whatever name it is if non debian distros).
Testing it:
notify-send --icon=gtk-info Test "This is a test"
I just discovered dunst.
Dunst is a minimalistic notification daemon for Linux. It's designed to fit nicely into minimalistic window managers like dwm, but it should work on any Linux desktop.
It's a great little notification daemon that can be easily configured. Although if you are a not an Arch Linux user, you'll need to compile it on your own. I needed to install `libxdg-basedir-dev` and `libxss-dev` on my Ubuntu before being able to compile. Install it with `make install`.
Link is broken, dunst is here: https://github.com/knopwob/dunst
I use 'twmn', a notification daemon that dislays notifications in a one-line bar covering the i3bar.
It can display libnotify messages which fit nicely between the workspaces and some i3status output on the i3bar.
I thought I would put it into an answer, as well.
Try installing notify-osd
Asked: 2012-06-13 11:22:15 +0000
Seen: 19,123 times
Last updated: Nov 02