Lxde and i3
asked 2013-02-20 18:30:27 +0000

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Hello folk,
I just installed lubuntu 12.04, and replaced the window manager lxde uses (opebox) with i3. First of all, has anybody done that before? How was the experience? For me, so far so good. lxde doesn't seem to require much from the window manager, so there aren't any incompatibilities and everything seems to work smoothly. I only have a couple of problems.
Problem number one: some shortcuts don't work. Specifically the $mod + shift + (1|2|3|...) ones. I'm guessing lxde defines some shortcuts on its own, and the one that don't work are already taken. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to "unbind" them. Can anyone help? I tried lxshortcuts, but the program is broken in lubuntu 12.04.
Problem number two: the applet for showing workspaces in the lxpanel doesn't support i3, hence it doesn't work. Does anybody know a nice applet fro that?
I've got to say, I like the result a lot. It has all the convenience of a desktop environment out of the box, plus the convenience of i3.
Thanks for the time, bye
I use i3 without LXDE, but I think that LXDE workspace switcher uses workspaces provided by openbox (which you uninstalled). If you want to use workspaces in i3, you should use switcher compatible with i3 (I use the default, placed on i3bar).
And can you please post your ~/.xinitrc? Did you tell LXDE to use i3 or i3 to use LXDE applications?