exiting i3 without mouse click?
I am a bit baffled by not having been able to find any answer after having extensively searched this. So I really like i3, but there's an annoying thing in my configuration. Everything seems to be able to be done via keyboard.
But when I exit i3 via standard $mod+Shift+e, an i3-nagbar (I suppose?) appears asking me if I really want to exit.
And then I haven't been able to find any key with which I can confirm to exit! So I have to use the mouse and click on "Yes, exit i3" (or "X" for cancel). This is really annoying to me. Can I map a key there or how can I do that? Thanks! (I assume I could disable the bar from appearing altogether, but so far I am not sure I really want that, so the question is really how to confirm to exit with a key press :) )
Note that I exit i3 extremely rarely, and if I weren’t developing it, I probably never would. Either I lock and/or suspend my computer, or I reboot it. Why would I ever exit i3? :)
which version of i3? this doesn't happen with me on 4.2
@Michael: good question-To shut down. I have the strange habit of exiting the wm and shutting down from gdm...which is pretty dumb I suppose. I had issues (hangups on shutdown) when doing "halt" from a shell with ubuntu 12.04/awesome...shutting down from gdm seemed to clear that. @bruno.braga: 4.4
Looks I am left behind already :-) I'll check that out with 4.4 Cheers,
@fab: same thing here, if I try to shutdown from the terminal in precise, it hangs. So I must exit i3 prior to shutdown and it's true it's a little bit annoying to not be able to confirm with the keyboard ;-)