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toggle show/hide of i3bar

asked Mar 17 '13

vandannen gravatar image


currently I am using i3bar configured with mode=hide to only show when a dedicated key is pressed. But this does not come in handy when using a tray in the i3bar, because pressing a key while moving a mouse to access some menu in the tray is not comfortable. Is there any known way to toggle between showing and hiding the bar by pressing the corresponding modifier key?

Greetings and thanks in advance

1 answer

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answered Mar 18 '13

Michael gravatar image

There is a patch in progress for that, see for the latest version.


Will it ever be an option to show hide based on mouse location OR modifier key? eg I do track down with the mouse for a mousefull purpose and the bar snaps back up?

gehidore gravatar imagegehidore (May 4 '13)edit

you can control whether i3bar is hidden through the new i3 `bar` commands available in git-next. When i3bar's hide mode is activated, the following would then allow to somehow emulate active corners for the bar to pop up:

vandannen gravatar imagevandannen (Jun 2 '13)edit

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Asked: Mar 17 '13

Seen: 1,127 times

Last updated: Mar 18 '13