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Is it possible to dynamically switch a container layout type ?

asked Mar 29 '13

syl20bnr gravatar image

Dear i3 community,

Is it possible to switch a parent container from vertical to horizontal layout (and vice versa) ? I struggle sometimes to make a H container with 3 terminals in the bottom of the screen to be a V container and on the left or right of the screen.

Cheers, syl20bnr

2 answers

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answered Mar 29 '13

Michael gravatar image

The command you are looking for is

layout splitv


layout splith

for vertical/horizontal split, respectively.


answered Apr 1 '13

ppeev gravatar image

you want to press your mod key + e to achieve what you want. what the other user told you is how to change the layout before opening a new container. $mod+e changes them on the fly.


“the other user” named the command, which works on the fly. See the userguide, you can bind commands to keys ($mod+e is bound to layout toggle split by default) or send them interactively using i3-msg.

Michael gravatar imageMichael (Apr 2 '13)edit

yep, sorry I thought you meant split h and split v, but still I think it will be easier for the man to just press $mod+e to achieve what he wanted(switch between vertical and horizontal AND vice versa) with one button combo which is already binded, instead of making room for two new button combos...

ppeev gravatar imageppeev (Apr 2 '13)edit

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Asked: Mar 29 '13

Seen: 528 times

Last updated: Apr 01 '13