Hi, I am using neo2 with i3wm without any glitches! How do you setup/use neo2? Which distribution do you use? On debian testing/unstable I switched the whole system to use neo2 by default by adapting /etc/default/keyboard like this
# /etc/default/keyboard switch system to neo2 layout
running the setup wizard of i3wm created a config file which was adapted to neo2 layout. That is it uses the same physical keys as the i3wm default by using the symbols/characters that neo2 has assigned to the physical keys.
# ~/.i3/config
set $mod Mod4
bindsym $mod+v layout tabbed
Why can’t you set it up correctly? The wizard (when you don’t have a config file) even asks you whether to use Mod1 or Mod4 and generates a configfile accordingly.
I've been using i3 since version 3.ε with Neo2 and Win-Key without issue. How did you try to set up Mod4 usage? Could you please link to your configuration or post at least part of it?