'assign' directive messes up my workspace label system
So I have a config with workspace labels:
bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1:www
bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2:dev-www
bindsym $mod+7 workspace 3:comm
bindsym $mod+8 workspace 4:music
Now yesterday I found something very interesting: assign
assign [class="Google-chrome"] 1:www
assign [class="Chromium-browser"] 1:www
assign [class="Firefox"] 2:dev-www
assign [class="Skype"] 3:comm
assign [class="Guayadeque"] 4:music
This works fine. So I start firefox and it's opening on workspace 2:dev-www, I start chromium and it opens at 1:www, skype at 3:comm - great, I really love this.
However, assuming I am at workspace 3:comm, and chromium is running, when I now press $mod+1, a new workspace 1:www opens and I don't get to the one where chromium is running. This happens with all the other workspaces mapped with 'assign'.
This is quite annoying. Any idea how I can fix that? Maybe I don't need the bindsym if I have an assign?