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What options exist for finding windows when you have too many? [closed]

asked May 9 '13

stsquad gravatar image

Much as I'm enjoying i3 so far for it's speed and simplicity there are times when I miss some of the things Gnome Shell did. The main one is the overview mode which is very handy when you've got too many windows open. While I'm not expecting the snazzy 3D effects I'm wondering what the options are in i3wm? In the pre-Gnome 3 compiz days there was a handy extension that allowed you to select a window by doing a regex search for it's window title. Is anything like that possible/done?

Closed for the following reason duplicate question by joepd
close date 2013-05-10 05:52:33.668686


1 answer

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answered May 9 '13

badboy_ gravatar image

You can use quickswitch or simpleswitcher to select windows by a simple search.

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Asked: May 9 '13

Seen: 266 times

Last updated: May 09 '13