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Conky output disappears from i3bar after extended use

asked May 12 '13

whjms gravatar image

updated May 12 '13

I am using i3 4.5.1, i3bar 4.5.1, and Conky 1.9.0. I am using the wrapper script method on the official site for displaying output from Conky in i3bar.

After a few minutes of use, i3bar will no longer display info from Conky. The bar becomes blank except for the desktop switcher and tray. Restarting i3 has the same result.

Here are my configuration files:


bar {
    status_command ~/sh/


echo '{"version":1}'
echo '['
echo '[],'
exec conky -c ~/.conkyrc


out_to_x no
out_to_console yes
background no
max_text_width 0
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0
double_buffer yes

[{"full_text" : "${mpd_artist} - ${mpd_album} - ${mpd_title}", "color" : "\#89cff0"},
 {"full_text" : "${mpd_elapsed}/${mpd_length}",                "color" : "\#ff8888"},
 {"full_text" : "${mpd_vol}%",                                 "color" : "\#eeeeee"},
 {"full_text" : "IP: ${addr eth0}",                            "color" : "\#99ff99"},
 {"full_text" : "RAM: ${mem}",                                 "color" : "\#aaaaff"},
 {"full_text" : "Load: ${loadavg 1}",                          "color" : "\#fff79a"},
 {"full_text" : "${tztime US/Eastern %a %b %d, %Y %X}",        "color" : "\#eeeeee"}],

Sample output from ~/sh/

[{"full_text" : "(null) - (null) - (null)",          "color" : "#89cff0"},
 {"full_text" : "0:00/0:00",                          "color" : "#ff8888"},
 {"full_text" : "0%",                                 "color" : "#eeeeee"},
 {"full_text" : "IP:",                  "color" : "#99ff99"},
 {"full_text" : "RAM: 521MiB",                        "color" : "#aaaaff"},
 {"full_text" : "Load: 0.70",                         "color" : "#fff79a"},
 {"full_text" : "Sun May 12, 2013 03:20:16 PM",       "color" : "#eeeeee"}],
[{"full_text" : "(null) - (null) - (null)",           "color" : "#89cff0"},
 {"full_text" : "0:00/0:00",                          "color" : "#ff8888"},
 {"full_text" : "0%",                                 "color" : "#eeeeee"},
 {"full_text" : "IP:",                  "color" : "#99ff99"},
 {"full_text" : "RAM: 521MiB",                        "color" : "#aaaaff"},
 {"full_text" : "Load: 0.70",                         "color" : "#fff79a"},
 {"full_text" : "Sun May 12, 2013 03:20:17 PM",       "color" : "#eeeeee"}],

Edit: I've found that just restarting i3 does not fix this problem, but exiting i3, stopping x, and starting a new x session fixes it.


hrrmm... maybe weed out if this problem is a conky one or not. Maybe store the output of ~/sh/ in different files (something like `while true; do \>"/tmp/$(date +'%T')"; sleep 3; done`) when starting i3. See if there is any invalid json there...

joepd gravatar imagejoepd (May 14 '13)edit

Crap. \> should read: Bigger than >....

joepd gravatar imagejoepd (May 14 '13)edit

2 answers

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answered May 24 '13

Wesley gravatar image

updated May 24 '13

I encountered this before, I found passing the -i 1 option to conky solved it for me at least. What that does is runs conky once, then quits.

That led to the unfortunate side effect that conky did not calculate cpu usage accurately (my suspicion is that conky uses it's own averaging). So I used a custom command to list top processes instead:

`ps -eo '%C%% %c' | sort -k1 -n -r | head -2 | tr '\n' ' '`

In the end I realized I did not need to use conky to get any of the info I wanted to display, they all live in a bash script now. Either way I do hope this helps you.


answered May 17 '13

baumy gravatar image

I don't have a solution, but I do have a better workaround. I think this has something to do with multiple conky processes running. Run 'killall conky' to get rid of all of them, then reload your i3 config ($mod+shift+r by default), which should call the wrapper script again, and conky will output correctly.

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Asked: May 12 '13

Seen: 740 times

Last updated: May 24 '13