Dialog buttons not working [closed]
I have recently installed i3 (v 4.5.1-1) on a fresh Arch install. I really like using it, but I am having a small issue. Whenever I click on a button in a warning dialog (i.e. the "Yes, exit i3" button after pressing mod+Shift+e) nothing happens. It is as if the button click is not registering. However, if I click the "X" button to close the dialog, the dialog closes. Mouse clicks otherwise work just fine in open applications. This is preventing me from being able to exit i3 cleanly. Any advice would be appreciated.
This is a bug, not a question. The bug was already reported at https://github.com/i3/i3/issues/1026 and will be fixed in the next release.
Thanks for the reply. I apologize for posting this in the wrong place.