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How to launch applications in i3?

asked Jun 4 '12

joepd gravatar image

i3 is great in helping you manage existing windows, but what solution do you fancy to launch new windows?

8 answers

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answered Dec 19 '12

joepd gravatar image

Now the answer is easy: i3-dmenu-desktop, installed by default since version 4.4. Now I need to create some desktop files to the ugly scripts I use...


There is a native (i.e. much faster) alternative to i3-dmenu-desktop which does the exact same thing: [j4-dmenu-desktop]( . On my machine (which sports a SSD) i3-dmenu-desktop takes about 400 ms, recent versions of j4-d-d take only 20-25 ms.

enkore gravatar imageenkore (Jul 23 '13)edit

answered Jun 5 '12

I still prefer the default:

bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run

as it shows a nice top bar with all available commands (applications) within your $PATH. So, you hit your Mod+D and start typing the application name, it will then filter the list until you have your application selected (you can also move in the list with the array keys)...

IMO, what's most handy here is that it works better than the terminal's TAB because its filter works not only from ceiling. For example, you type "term" and you should be able to see "gnome-terminal", "xterm", etc... pretty handy!


... and if you put your own startup scripts in ~/bin and add it to your $PATH, you can run your scripts with dmenu like all other applications.

Aaron gravatar imageAaron (Jun 6 '12)edit

That's best practice, in deed!

bruno.braga gravatar imagebruno.braga (Jun 6 '12)edit

If you use zsh, you can benefit of the $commands shell variable: bindsym $Modkey+p exec $(print -lo ${commands:t} | dmenu -p Command)

Julien Jehannet gravatar imageJulien Jehannet (Jan 9 '13)edit

Sweet trick, Julien! +1

joepd gravatar imagejoepd (Dec 4 '13)edit

@Julien: for this to work, you need to start i3 from inside of a zsh instance, don't you? This does not work for me when using i3 via gnome-session.

blueyed gravatar imageblueyed (Feb 26 '14)edit

answered Jun 30 '12

mheiber gravatar image

I just discoved fehlstart. It holds one substantial advantage over the otherwise useful dmenu_run: It is able to launch freedesktop enabled (i.e. .desktop file) applications. So, if you put the proper .desktop files into .local/share/applications it will find and launch them (with autocomplete!). It was the last puzzle piece in my now near perfect i3wm setup.

Hint: Use 'fehlstart --one-way' to avoid it going into "daemon" mode. Comes in handy if you plan on using with the mod4+d shortcut that would otherwise be launching dmenu_run.


*...the last puzzle piece in my now near perfect i3wm setup.* Yeah, I'm obsessed with these ;)

Alois Mahdal gravatar imageAlois Mahdal (Apr 15 '15)edit

answered Jan 3 '13

Zucca gravatar image

I just tested an application called menutray. Seems to work quite nicely. It uses freedesktop files to generate menu. It's quite simple to use. Just run 'menutray' in your terminal first to get some info about the usage and then edit the config if you like. There just isn't much documentation on the site. :( If you happen to be Arch Linux user, you can install it from AUR. It's called menutray.

There's also ADeskBar, but it didn't work that well on my i3 setup.

In conclusion: menutray seems to do what it promises and only it (that's how I like it). It's simple and shold be lightweight. - give it a try

Also: a very different launcher, but for sure lightweight: wbar. I have used it for a long time. It sits on your desktop, so it will be out of sight after you open an application that fills the entire display (like many do in i3 ;).

I hope these options will help you (and others).


I have fully adopted menutray as part of my i3 setup. It's simple and very low on resources.

Zucca gravatar imageZucca (Mar 21 '13)edit

answered Jun 4 '12

joepd gravatar image

dmenu is my solution.

Next to dmenurun, I have in ~.config/i3/config:

bindsym $mod+p exec --no-startup-id ~/bin/launch

With ~/bin/launch:

    output=`ls -1 ~/launch`
    cmd=`echo "$output" | dmenu -i -nb black -nf red -sb red -sf black -l 10` 
    sh -c "~/launch/$cmd &

...and in the directory ~/launch a number of executable files. Two examples:

$ cat launch/music
urxvtc -tr -e ncmpc -f ~/.config/ncmpc/config &

For visual entertainment:

$ cat launch/video
smplayer &

answered Jun 27 '12

Klaas gravatar image

updated Jun 28 '12

I like Synapse, a more "graphic" launcher that can also open files, directly search the web or connect to zeitgeist (if you configure and run zeitgeist, I didn't).

bindsym $mod+F3 exec synapse

When opening applications, it can also search via single letters. I.e. when you type "efo" it can match "Ex Falso".


I liked the Synapse concept... the only problem with the dmenu for me, same in terminal, is that sometimes I need that particular program but I can't remember its name (remote desktop -> vino)... being able to search by what the applications also do is also an important feature... +1

bruno.braga gravatar imagebruno.braga (Jul 21 '12)edit

answered Jan 4 '13

Marcos Moyano gravatar image

I use Kupfer (


You have two same answers! Delete one of them for love and peace.

acgtyrant gravatar imageacgtyrant (Nov 27 '13)edit

answered Jan 4 '13

Marcos Moyano gravatar image

I use Kupfer (

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Asked: Jun 4 '12

Seen: 19,933 times

Last updated: Jan 04 '13