How do you make i3 pick up resizing the vmware window?
When using i3 inside a virtual machine (vmware), you can resize the vmware window, but i3 doesn’t react to that change. Furthermore, after restarting i3 inplace, workspace 1 vanishes.
When using i3 inside a virtual machine (vmware), you can resize the vmware window, but i3 doesn’t react to that change. Furthermore, after restarting i3 inplace, workspace 1 vanishes.
This is due to a bug in the vmware X11 driver. When i3 starts up, XRandR is not available, and thus i3 falls back on not using XRandR. However, after the first change to the configuration (for example by resizing), XRandR becomes available. Thus, the inplace restart has a different setup before and afterwards, and that leads to workspace 1 getting lost.
To workaround this issue, you can issue an xrandr call in your ~/.xsession
exec i3
With VirtualBox, I need to press "Host" key once, then I have all control of the window with i3 key bindings.
Asked: Jun 4 '12
Seen: 3,381 times
Last updated: Mar 20 '14