Seems related to my problem: i3bar crash since build i3-wm_4.7.1-1+g4.7-101-gb109b1b1
Debian Sid 64bit up to date, i3-wm Debian repo unstable builds, still crashing in build 106-g90e7c5c1, going back to 98-gf78c1ba1 fixes it again.
Error message in ~/.xsession-errors:
04.01.2014 23:29:58 - [libi3] ERROR: IPC: received EOF instead of reply
Segmentation fault
Error message in dmesg:
i3bar[19766]: segfault at 7f52eb858a40 ip 00007f52eb858a40 sp 00007fff1dba5b08 error 15 in[7f52eb858000+1000]
Now, editing my bar {} settings isolated the problem to this line: status_command i3status -c ~/.i3status.
My i3status -c ~/.i3status output:
[{"name":"disk_info","instance":"/","full_text":"X,X GB"},{"name":"run_watch","instance":"/var/run/dhclient*.pid","color":"#00FF00","full_text":"DHCP: yes"},{"name":"ethernet","instance":"eth0","color":"#00FF00","full_text":" (100 Mbit/s)"},{"name":"load","full_text":"0,01"},{"name":"time","full_text":"2014-01-05 02:05:11"}]
Editing ~/.i3status config yields that removing the output_format = "i3bar" line would make i3 not segfault, new i3status -c ~/.i3status output:
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: falling back to "none"
X,X GB | DHCP: yes | (100 Mbit/s) | 0,01 | 2014-01-05 02:05:11
although I don't get any colors, at least it works.
Looking in git I believe it's this commit: the /i3bar/src/parsejsonheader.c edits maybe.
were you expecting to see a statusline or a blank bar?
@TonyC The bottom of the screen, where the desktop numbers are shown but on the right side, is where the error message is in red. I've never seen anything there in the past.