2012-08-09 05:42:47 +0000
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Sounds like the original poster wants xmonad behavior where whichever monitor is focused, by pressing mod-# that workspace would jump to the focused monitor (if not there already). The current behavior is to put the focus on the monitor to which the workspace is assigned and jump to it there.
I didn't have any luck unplugging my monitor, disabling the external display then re-enabling it. Once a monitor is unplugged it seems all existing workspaces just get moved to whichever one is left (the laptop display).
The documentation, though mentions, a command (that could likely be bound to a key) which will move the workspace to another monitor, that works like this:
$ i3-msg move workspace to output [xrandr output name]
$ i3-msg move workspace to output [left|right|up|down]
so if you have two monitors... bind a key to left and bind a key to right and you can just toggle a display between them:
bindsym $mod+v exec i3-msg move workspace to output left
bindsym $mod+b exec i3-msg move workspace to output right
I created a script that I run before I unplug my monitor that allows me to 'save' the workspace states... I can then run it again with 'restore' when I plug the monitor back in and it will restore the workspaces to where they were before:
With a udev hotplug script + i3-msg, I'm pretty sure it is.