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How to have a window in 2 workspaces?

asked 2014-01-09 05:12:26 +0000

DavidGamba gravatar image

I came from using wmii with gnome and I am loving i3 so far. However one great feature of wmii was that I could have the same window in several workspaces with different sizing.

So in the one workspace I had my browser next to a terminal, in another the same browser alone and in another the terminal alone. In that way I could quickly change the layout I wanted to use without having to use fullscreen (the problem with fullscreen is that you miss notifications).

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answered 2014-01-09 12:09:50 +0000

joepd gravatar image

updated 2014-01-09 12:10:47 +0000

You are not the first to ask: See here and here for example.

It is currently not implemented, but is still on the road map. The official bug is the eleventh.

As to your other remark about missing notifications when a window is full screen: Use dunst. This notification displayer bypasses any window manager, as such wether something is fullscreen or not is irrelevant. Other suggestions at this FAQ.

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Asked: 2014-01-09 05:12:26 +0000

Seen: 423 times

Last updated: Jan 09 '14