Are there any methods to get GUI apps look more prettier?
asked 2014-01-13 23:17:54 +0000

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Newbie here. Although I know i3 is targeted for experienced Linux users, which I'm not at this time (but I try as much as I can to educate myself about Linux). After seeing some vids and screenshots of i3, I become very interested in tiling window manager, particularly in i3, which I would like to give it a try.
At this moment, I have managed to get i3 working on my Ubuntu 13.10 server (without desktop environment)
I also try to do as much as possible through the command line. There are also GUI apps which I can't live without, like the web browser, and LibreOffice, etc.
However, the GUI apps are not looking quite polished. Are there any methods to get GUI apps look more prettier?