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Dualscreen and systray

asked Feb 4 '14

Spheerys gravatar image

updated Feb 4 '14

I have two screens. My main screen LVDS1 on my laptop with all the workspace. The other screen is HDMI1 and has only one WS assigned : workspace 8 My conf :

workspace $ws1 output LVDS1

workspace $ws2 output LVDS1

workspace $ws3 output LVDS1

workspace $ws4 output LVDS1

workspace $ws5 output LVDS1

workspace $ws6 output LVDS1

workspace $ws7 output LVDS1

workspace $ws8 output HDMI1

workspace $ws9 output LVDS1

The problem is the systray is systematicaly moving on the HDMI1 while I want to have it on LVDS1. I don't care if I have the systray on the both screen, but at least on my main screen !

How can I fix it ?


Moving in what sense? And are your display cloned?

MeanEYE gravatar imageMeanEYE (Feb 4 '14)edit

1 answer

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answered Feb 4 '14

joepd gravatar image

Userguide has a section on i3bar. One section is about how to put a bar on a particular output. And another subsection on enable or disable the tray for a specific bar. I am sure you can work out the details.


Thanks ! I used the "systray" term for searching and I found nothing. It's ok now :)

Spheerys gravatar imageSpheerys (Feb 6 '14)edit

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Asked: Feb 4 '14

Seen: 534 times

Last updated: Feb 04 '14