Bind containers to workspace that created them
I'm using GNU/Octave a lot, and when I launch a script with several plots and switch workspace, the plot windows appear on the new workspace.
Ok, clarification : On workspace 1, I launch a term with GNU/Octave. In Octave, I start a script. The script will do some computations (which can last several minutes) and plot figures in new containers (one per figure). I will switch workspace once the script is started (i don't like to wait), but I want the plot containers to appear on the same workspaces as GNU/Octave.
How can I make them appear on the old one ?
Thanks !
EDIT : Clarification
I can't understand how can you open a program even with several windows and when you switch workspace, then one of the window appears on the workspace you just switch ??? Could you clarify the situation.
I edited the original post.