Firefox 29's welcome tour has graphical glitches in i3

asked Apr 30 '14

Flimm gravatar image

updated Apr 30 '14

Firefox 29 has been released, and I've noticed that it doesn't integrate well with i3.

Here are the issues I've noticed so far, just from the welcome tour:

  • The new menu has window decorations. Funnily enough, outside of the welcome tour, the decorations do not appear.

  • The effect used to highlight areas of the GUI is glitchy.

Here's a screenshot:



Passing the indroduction's tour I noticed nothing suspicious with i3. Only help's floating windows are more or less badly rendered. But I think, it will be fixed in the next release.

tinh gravatar imagetinh (Apr 30 '14)edit

Yeah, this issue is fixed in the development version.

TonyC gravatar imageTonyC (May 3 '14)edit

do you have a release date? Approximatively? ;)

tinh gravatar imagetinh (May 3 '14)edit


TonyC gravatar imageTonyC (May 5 '14)edit