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less agressive for "move up|down" command

asked 2014-06-12 01:21:33 +0000

triplc gravatar image

updated 2014-06-12 01:21:59 +0000

I am a big fan of i3 window manager and I use i3 for everyday tasks, however I do not know much about programming and internal stuffs of i3. I would like to as for features as follows:

(1) An option to make all new windows as "floating". Not using the condition "for_window [class=".*"] ..." which unexpectedly turn a "tiled window" into floating.

(2) Make command "move up|down" less "agressive", which is as follows.

Example, all three windows are "tabbed" in a workplace:

|      1       |      2      |      3      |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|           window 3 contents              |
|                                          |
|                                          |


Then after "move right", "focus left", it becomes

|    1     |    2    |          3          |
|                    |                     |
|                    |                     |
|    window 2        |     window 3        |
|    contents        |     contents        |
|    (current)       |                     |
|                    |                     |


Now, currently, after "move down", it would becomes as follows, which is "too agressive":

|           1        |          3          |
|                    |                     |
|                    |                     |
|                    2                     |
|                                          |
|                                          |


I'd suggest that, it should be as follow, which is "less agressive"

|           1        |          3          |
|                    |                     |
|                    |                     |
+--------------------|                     |
|         2          |                     |
|--------------------|                     |
|                    |                     |
|                    |                     |


The reason is that it would be much easier to "rearrange" windows. In "less agressive" way, it is easy to transform from fig.4 to fig.3 just by pressing "move down" again (on window 2). But current "too agressive" way, there is no way to transform from fig.3 or fig.2 to fig.4

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1 answer

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answered 2014-06-12 06:22:50 +0000

Adaephon gravatar image

It is possible:

To get from fig.2 to fig.4 use

layout splitv

To get from fig.2 to fig.4, assuming focus is on window 3 use

move right
move right


move up
move right


move down
move right

That being said, I agree that the behaviour is at times not very obvious. For example, the reason why you have to move window 3 twice in fig.3 is, because it is (alone) inside a container that is in turn in a container together with the container with window 1.

[[[ window1 ], [ window3 ]], [ window2 ]]

The first move moves it out of its own container and either in the same one as window 1's parent container (move right),

[[[ window1 ], window3 ], [ window2 ]]

in in the same container surrounding window 1's parent container and window 2's parent container (move up)

[ window3, [ window1 ], [ window2 ]]

or in the same container as window 2 (move down)

[[ window1 ], [ window2, window3 ]]
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Thanks for clear explaination. I am sorry having said "not possible". What I mean is to rearrange windows using "move left|right|up|down" easier.

triplc gravatar imagetriplc ( 2014-06-12 06:49:51 +0000 )edit

Actually, I use the tiling wm is to treat the workspace as an IDE (like Eclips) where desktops are devided in contanters, which contains tabbed windows. I start "tabbed" as default layout. Then move windows across the cells. That's the idea. Breaking in|out + split would destroy the sizes.

triplc gravatar imagetriplc ( 2014-06-12 06:53:50 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2014-06-12 01:21:33 +0000

Seen: 141 times

Last updated: Jun 12 '14