Some problems with nemo file manager and icon theme
Hi! I installed nemo file manager today on a Debian PC which has i3 wm. Because the default style of nemo was ugly (in my opinion) I thought to fix it a little bit.
So I used the following :
for theme the Mediterranean Before Dawn
and for theme icon Faenza icons
Now there are some problems:
Whenever i run nemo (either form dmenu or from a console) it creates except from its main tab (container) another one called Desktop with nothing in it.
It seems that icons didn't installed properly (??) because in some places e.g in the up-right corner of nemo's window there are three buttons for icon alignment called Icons, List, Compact. These three buttons doesn't have any icon.
When second windows are opened, e.g Menu Edit->Preferences ,their font color is so bright (white) that you can not read anything.
Thank you for any future idea.
I'm unsure what this has to do with i3. As far as I understand, your problems started after you changed theme and icons. Why do you think it is i3 specific? Does nemo work with other WMs?
I post it here because probably another one had this problem with i3 and such themes and fixed it.
I understand that, I just do not see the connection to *i3* from the information you gave. Does it work with the default theme and icon set? Does the problem persist with any other WM? If the answer to both of these questions is *yes* it has nothing to do with *i3* and is thus off-topic here.
Yes it works with gnome theme and icons. I tried to make it like this one And as you can see all icons seems to work. Maybe you are right that its off-topic