XEmbed issue when plug created before socket

asked 2014-07-13 08:42:31 +0000

Hibou57 gravatar image

updated 2014-07-13 08:46:09 +0000

I don't know who is wrong of me or i3‑wm.

From a regular Ubuntu desktop session:

  • I can run a socket then start a plug which embeds it‑self in the socket.
  • I can start a plug, then a socket embedding the plug.

From an i3‑wm session:

  • I can run a socket then start a plug which embed it‑self in the socket.
  • I can start a plug, then a socket, but which (seemingly) cannot embed the plug.

In short, within an i3‑wm session, starting a plug then starting a socket to embed the plug, does not work, while it works from an Ubuntu session.

A sample case

To run this sample case, you will need to have surf installed (available in Ubuntu packages repository, or else, see there: surf.suckless.org).

The plug is surf, a browser from Suckless, which is a wrapper around WebKit. The socket application is this sample Python script:


import gtk
import sys

def plugged_event(widget):

        "I (" +
        str(widget) +
        ") have just had a plug inserted!")

def main():

    window = gtk.Window()
    socket = gtk.Socket()

    window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
    socket.connect("plug-added", plugged_event)

    print socket.get_id()

    if len(sys.argv) == 2:



Doing so will be OK:

./socket.py &
# Copy the window ID which is echoed (not the PID!).
surf -e <past-socket-window-id-here> "http://localhost" &
# The `-e XWINDOW_ID` option tells `surf` to embed it‑self there.

Doing so will fail in i3‑wm (OK from a regular Ubuntu desktop cession):

surf -x "http://localhost" &
# Copy the window ID which is echoed (not the PID!).
# The `-x` option tells `surf` to display its XWindow ID.
./socket.py <past-plug-window-id-here> &

I just get a blank window, with no content at all, while surf properly displays itself in the socket, when I do the same from an Ubuntu desktop session.


Is this me or i3 which is bugging?

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