how to move workspace to monitor?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying out i3 (deciding whether to leave Xmonad). I'm on ubuntu 12.04, and I'm using i3-wm 4.1.2-2.
This is probably a silly question, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I just want to move workspaces to different screens.
I've read the documentation about "Moving containers/workspaces to RandR outputs" and also an old question on this topic (can't post link because "my karma is insufficient to publish links". I've tried what is suggested, but it doesn't work for me. By the way, what is the difference between "moving a container" and "moving a workspace"
I put the following
bindsym $mod+x move workspace to output right
in my .i3/config
Now assume I have workspace 1 on the laptop monitor (LVDS1) with a terminal, and workspace 2 on the external monitor (VGA1) with firefox. If firefox is focused, and I press $mod+x, what happens is that firefox disappears (don't know where), and besides workspace 2, I get an new workspace names "to output right" on VGA1 ... not exactly what I was expecting, i.e. firefox moving to workspace 1 on LVDS1, and the terminal becoming focused on workspace 2 on VGA1 ... :(
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Marco