Force Quit Non-Responsive Application
Is it possible to take an application, that has stopped working (steam on wine for ex) and force quit it through i3? I know you can killall wineserver. But, that keeps the window open in i3.
Is it possible to take an application, that has stopped working (steam on wine for ex) and force quit it through i3? I know you can killall wineserver. But, that keeps the window open in i3.
Have you tried xkill
Binding it to a Shortcut did not work here, but maybe you can get it to work somehow.
bindsym $mod+Shift+w exec xkill
Try using a console and get the offending application's process ID and kill it that way and see if the window closes and i3 adjusts accordingly then. Alternatively, if another desktop manager is installed somewhere on the system like Gnome or KDE a process manager might simplify the task for those unfamiliar with and/or not attracted to the CLI way.
Asked: Oct 27 '14
Seen: 408 times
Last updated: Jan 22