Autokey stops working (seemingly randomly)

asked 2014-12-21 17:23:53 +0000

max gravatar image

My Autokey at times works correctly, but sometimes part of its functionality disappears (e.g. only 5 out of 7 of my VLC-specific Vim-style keybindings continue to work), and sometimes all of its functionality disappears.

I think it's unlikely that it just decides to take a rest. I think it's because of some key or key combination that I press, but with a keyboard-based WM it's hard to figure out what keys cause the problem.

I hope I'm not the only one who uses Autokey here and this Q&As will be beneficial for someone else.

Please help.

Might be relevant #1: I use the following keybinding: bindsym $mod+u [title=">"] focus to jump to the only terminal window I have open (I'm not mad, I have TMUX there). The thing is, if I have another window open to the right of it (it seems), then the shortcut jumps to that window to the right first, and only after another press of this shortcut does it jump to the terminal window.

And the worst thing is: as I was playing with this not-jumping-to-the-terminal thing just for the sake of this answer, the problem disappeared! It has disappeared before, so I think it will reemerge. Damn, this whole point might deserve a question of its own...

Oh, it (jump to terminal keybinding) has just (when I was writing #4) stopped working again. No kidding.

Might be relevant #2: I use Super key for $mod and I use keynav as a mouse substitute - about once every 3 minutes.

Might be relevant #3: I also use Firefox addon ItsAllText! and its keyboard shortcut also didn't work when I was writing this answer.

Might be relevant #4: Sometimes my keybinding

bindsym $mod+x exec xcalib -i -a

stops working as well.

I don't know about you, but by now I'm starting to have a Sherlock Holmes-y exhilaration about this mystery.

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Whenever i3 keybindings stop working, double-check that you’re not in any modes. In recent enough versions (upgrading to 4.8 is a good idea anyway), you’ll get an indicator in your i3bar that tells you the mode you’re in.

Michael gravatar imageMichael ( 2014-12-26 17:54:01 +0000 )edit