i3 and GNOME3 intergration
I've searched google and asked on some irc channels, but so far I have not found any solution.
I have Fedora 21 installed and on this machine I have 4 users, 3 of them want to use gnome-shell and I want to use i3. I have a habit not to log out, when someone else wants to use this computer. Instead in gnome I can just switch user and leave all my programs running while other do their stuff and when they are finished I can just type in my password and carry on.
So. I would like to use i3 the same way, eg. leave all my programs running while other users do their computing, but how?
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec gdmflexiserver
I can execute gdmflexiserver. Then my session is locked (but I stay logged in) and gdm login is displayed. When now user x logs into his gnome session everything works as expected, but when he logs out, my i3 session and all my running programs are revealed without password. I don't like that.
From google I found this dbus call:
dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver /org/gnome/ScreenSaver org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock
but when I paste it into my terminal, nothing happens.
When I add something like this to my i3 config:
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec i3lock && gdmflexiserver
then everything is good until another user logs out. Then i3lock expects my password. Instead of that I would like to see gdmflexiserver again eg. GDM login.
I hope I expressed myself good enough :P And I know title sucks and this is not strictly i3 related, but I hope there are some users out there with same setup and know a solution :)
I'd rather not use gnome-screensaver or xscreensaver for screen locking, because:
gnome-screensaver is deprecated. F21 has 3.6.1 version of it and I don't know how long this package remains in repos. Supposedly screen locking is intergrated into gnome-shell since version 3.0.
xscreensaver breaks user experience? Meaning other users are greeted by xscreensaver which looks different. I don't want to scare them :)