Window bug/crash
I'm using i3 4.8 and some times (approximatively one a week), i3 is buging. There is a window problem from an (crashed?) application and even if I reload i3, the bug stay. The only solution I have found is to restart X
You can have a look to what append by looking this screenshoot :
The crashed window is on the top left corner.
I did'nt find the way to reproduce the bug when I want... I just want to know if other user have the same behavior and if there is a way to solve the problem without restart X
Bug reports are off-topic here, look [here for i3's bug tracker]( That being said: Is it always the same application that crashes? Did you also try restarting i3 with the `restart` command? Does `i3-msg -t get_tree` show a window at that place?