i3wm + dzen2 issue: dzen2 covered by windows' headers
asked 2015-03-12 10:36:15 +0000

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Hi all. I have an issue from subject of this post. I use dzen2 with output from conky. When I open a window, dzen2 (on top of the screen) hides behind window's title bar. dzen starts in .xinitrc:
conky | sh | dzen2 -ta r -p &
Where did i go wrong?
Why are you passing conkys output to `sh`? That does not look like it would work. So, are you sure that `dzen2` is really running? It may be that it crashed immediatelly and left an artefact on the root window.
dzen2 is really running because info output on it works fine (time, volume level, up/down network speed etc displayed correctly). And i pass conky's output to the sh because my conky uses console output option and just write lines of needed information with dzen2 formatting. For ex, my conkys config http://ideone.com/iDdBab