Using setxkbmap to disabple CapsLock [closed]
I am using this line to disable normal CapsLock behavior. It just refuses to work without sleep command in front of it.
exec_always --no-startup-id "sleep 1; setxkbmap -option caps:none"
i tried putting this line in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc with same results, my system ignoring it while loading.
Maybe there is proper way to do this?
EDIT: @Adaephon right, it is problem with gnome-settings-daemon
, i can not close this question
Is it possible that the keyboard is modified by another automatically started command? Another call to `setxkbmap`, `gnome-settings-daemon` or something similar?
@Adaephon thanks, it is indeed `gnome-settings-daemon`, used it for screenshots only. You got some serious psychic powers.
It should be possible to disable CapsLock from within the Gnome settings. It *could* be possible to disencourage `gnome-settings-daemon` from changing anything keyboard related. Maybe disabling CapsLock directly in the Xorg configuration would work.