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Using mplayer with i3wm?

asked 2015-04-16 20:08:23 +0000

Nishant gravatar image

updated 2015-04-17 12:23:36 +0000

How do you use mplayer with i3wm? I usually use the "tabbed" mode mod+w. When I open mplayer, it occupies the entire screen which leaves some black space on either side for most videos. To avoid this problem I made it floating and plan to move it to another workspace if I really need to keep it on.

In general I think apps like mplayer looks awkward when opened in "tabbed mode" and they are not suited for tiling as they have their own optimal window size decided by the application. All such programs are usually better off in the floating mode?

I can't upload Images/Link here. Link @,zHNwRCq,PSkBIEB#0 First is default , Second is floating, Third is noaspectratio.

Currently I use this:

for_window [class="MPlayer"] floating enable

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I don’t understand what the problem is. Can you be more specific about how it looks and how you expect it to behave instead?

Michael gravatar imageMichael ( 2015-04-16 20:28:59 +0000 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2015-04-17 04:03:15 +0000

i3convert gravatar image

updated 2015-04-17 04:03:49 +0000

I'm not sure what the questions is, but in order to remove the black space use the -nokeepaspect command line option :)

Example: mplayer -nokeepaspect your_video_file.ogv

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Thats a good suggestion. I was looking for this option. Its a workaround but decent.

Nishant gravatar imageNishant ( 2015-04-17 12:24:33 +0000 )edit

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Asked: 2015-04-16 20:08:23 +0000

Seen: 246 times

Last updated: Apr 17