Window always on top
Hi guys! I would like to ask you a simple thing: how to hold a window always above the others?
I use i3 and want to have a good graphical statusbar, not a text-based one (I often use performance-heavy software, and I need to monitor my cpu to avoid to burn my laptop); I want it to be able to show a graph, and to execute an action on click, while also stay on every monitor I use and show me all the workspaces present on that monitor. The latter can be accomplished only with i3 statusbars (i3status, etc.) while the former, - by conky. So I decided to show the conky bar as a floating window above the i3status, so it can do what I want. The problem here is: How do I set conky to be floating, and always on top of others? Can it be accomplished with something like this:
for_window [class="Conky"] floating enable ?
Thank you in advance for your help.