urxvt not handling UTF-8 when started from i3 commands
When using urxvt inside i3, using Alt-enter creates a instance that doesn't show Unicode. But the instance opened from command line shows unicode fine.
Similar problem: If I open the first gnome-instance using Alt-enter, it doesn't show unicode, but if the first instance is opened from another terminal, say urxvt, then it shows unicode fine. All further instances of gnome-terminal have the behavior as first instance of gnome-terminal.
It doesn't fix by rebooting.. I'm on i3 version 4.7.2 (2014-01-23, branch "tags/4.7.2")
Similar problem here too: http://pdp.microjoe.org/forums/sujet/...
EDIT: Fixed the problem- my global locale settings didn't handle UTF_8. Locally they did. Changed global settings and logged out and logged back in and everything is fine now.
Spooky, a thread with the *exact* same title exists: https://faq.i3wm.org/question/1326/urxvt-not-handling-utf-8-when-started-from-i3-commands/
If rebooting doesn't do it for you: update to the latest version (i3 4.10.2), reproduce the problem, file a bug report on Github.